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  • Six Traffic Builders

    Six Traffic Builders

    Share the Link Love Internally

    Your site probably has multiple pages targeting your top keywords. Sometimes, you’ll find pages from your site ranking on page 2, 3, 4 and/or 5 of the search results. This actually earns you virtually no search traffic and could split up your relevance and ranking value. If you search for “keyword” to find out what top pages the engine has identified on your domain for that term/phrase, you might consider 301 redirecting #2-3 or 4 to #1 and boost #1’s ranking potential. You can go back and rebuild your other pages with different URLs.

    Link To Your Most Important Pages

    Use a non-specific query such as “inurl:domain” to see a list of many of the most important pages on your site according to the search engines. The list may not be in perfect order, but it can be a great way to see which pages are considered valuable. Point links from important pages to URLs that need a bit of link juice or anchor text boost to move into the top 5/10. For less competitive terms and phrases, this system almost always results in a boost in rankings.

    Verify Your Sitemaps.xml File

    Sitemaps should be verified with Yahoo! and MSN in addition to Google. Too many webmasters ignore these potential traffic sources!

    Move Keywords in Your Title Tags

    If you have pages where you rank #10+ and you move the keyword term/phrase to the front of the title tag, you may see some results such as a significant boost to your ranking positions in the engines.

    Don’t Forget Long Tail Modifiers!

    Add these to keywords to high ranking pages. Pages that are ranking well and earn you great search traffic can be an opportunity to earn even more. Do your keyword research to find 4 and 5 word phrases that extend the 2-3 word phrases you already rank for. If possible and relevant, place a few instances in bold on the page and in the HTML text and see even more traffic come in from these extended queries.

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