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  • SEO TIPS: Being Trustworthy


    Being considered trustworthy and doing what you say you will do is as important online as it is offline. Your reputation is everything in business which is why it is essential that you not only take building a good reputation seriously, but you take maintaining it just as seriously. Do you know what to do if your reputation falls under attack? Do you know whether you should take the job on in-house or outsource the job to a professional firm to handle?

    Reputation management is a challenge everyone needs to be up to. Whether you are big, small, well established or just starting out, what is said about you online does matter. Negative words spread like forest fires online and you can easily be losing a lot of customers because of your negative reputation. Every business is likely to succumb to online negative reputation some time or the other, so it is best to be prepared for such occurrences before they happen so that you do not waste time looking for ways to combat the negative reputation when things go wrong. You know what they say about an ounce of prevention.

    Again, reputation is everything. Without a good one, you won’t last long on the web unless you’re a billion dollar corporation that can ignore people because they have no choice but use your services – and some do actually go that route. For everyone else, it is important to create highly positive image about your brand so that you will be guarded when negative feedback or comments are posted about your brand on the internet. Today SEO is used extensively to build positive brand reputation as well as to combat negative reputation. The key to it is taking steps to protect your reputation long before there is  need to. Proactive is the keyword you need to keep in mind.

    Most top brands are very particular that they put in regular online branding efforts as they know that when there are attacks on their brand name, it is the positive reputation that they have built that will defend them. People don’t write letters to the editor of the local paper to complain about brands much anymore and few have the resources to use TV or radio to complain. What everyone does have, however, is access to the web and the ability to post their gripes in as many places as will host it.

    Many search engine optimization companies have included reputation management as one of their core services because it is that important. They offer blog reviews service, press release distribution and forum posting etc, to build positive brand image and to defend any negative image that is being circulated online about a particular brand. laying a solid foundation means it is harder for the negative to get highly ranked and that even if it does, there is far more good than bad about your brand to help nullify any damage it may potentially cause.


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