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  • SEO Step By Step Guide– 75.Getting the Best Out of Your Splash Page

    One of the pages that is often underutilized or even totally ignored is the splash page. Some of us may not even know what a splash page is. Splash pages are basically the intro pages that are used for a variety of reasons. If you have a multilingual website then you can use a splash page for your visitors where they will be able to select the language of your choice. If you have your website organized for various categories of audience like employers and job seekers in the case of a job portal, you can use a splash page where the users can select their respective area.

    You can also use this page to announce special offers, discounts, and promotions before your website visitors get into your website. So there are so many uses for a splash page. Many webmasters do not make use of this page well and they often do not even optimize this page. Splash pages are not often considered as part of the website as it stands out and it does not affect the entire architecture of the website; it can be easily removed from the website at anytime without disturbing the structure of the website in anyway. Because of its temporary nature many people ignore this page. However, this need not be the case; we can get whatever benefit we can from the splash pages by optimizing it for the right keywords based on the content of the page.

    If you want to get the maximum benefit of your splash page, make this as one of your fast loading pages. This will help your visitors quickly find the most important information on your website for the given period. If you make your intro page as heavy flash page, you can easily lose a number of visitors who do not have time or the patience to wait for the intro or the splash page to load. Search engines too do not like heavy and slow loading pages. Moreover, when it is in Flash format, search engines will not be able to read the content of the page fully. This will reduce the chances of getting good ranking in the search engines. Therefore pay attention to your splash page’s content and plan well so that it is not wasted. You will be able to make your splash page highly attractive using HTML.

    Normally, in a splash page you cannot have too much of text. So you need to be very concise and at the same time in the little text that you will have, you must make sure to introduce your important keywords. Choose the right page title; you will be able to see many websites where the intro or the flash page will be named as Intro. You should not make this mistake. Choose a unique title that is keyword rich for you splash page too like the inner pages.

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