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  • SEO Step By Step Guide– 71. How to make your blog a success?

    We never cease to hear that blogs are a wonderful way of getting good visitor traffic and search ranking. What we are not told is that we do not get instant success with our blogs as soon as we launch our blog. We need to work hard for its success. We need to put in a lot of thinking to make our blog a success.

    Of course, as always first things first, if you want to make your blog a success, you must make sure to have some unique and irresistible content. This will attract many visitors to subscribe to your blog. Now the question here again is, will good content automatically make your blog popular? Before you can get popular, you need to give your blog a head start so that people will know that you have a resourceful blog online. It will take a considerable amount of time before you blog gets indexed and gets listed for relevant keywords. This will certainly happen but in the beginning you need give that little extra push that is required to start the ball rolling.

    If you are an existing business that already has a list, you can make use of your existing list and invite people who have already known you and your services to visit your blog. This will be one of the easiest ways of giving your blog a kick-start. You can get your existing customers know about your blog through an email. Keep your email short and concise so that it will not look as if you are trying to sell them something. People are already bombarded with enough marketing mails and they always look at corporate emails with suspicion. You need to win their trust by sending a succinct email announcing about your new blog.

    It will not be a bad idea to give them an incentive for subscribing to your blog. If you do so, it will enhance your email marketing. It can be a discount on your products or a free eBook or it can be anything. People always fall for free things and you can use this for your advantage.

    Good content, effective marketing that is supported by an incentive will certainly do your blog a great good. Once you have received enough subscribers to give your blog a good start, you need to make sure to keep the fire burning by posting regularly. Each post should be unique and should be resourceful. Today we have lot of information online but people know that all information is trustworthy or credible so there is always a great demand for good information. Therefore, by providing what people want, you can make your blog a great success. Do not keep posting marketing pitches in your blog and if you do so it will be easiest way of losing your subscribers. With little extra thinking and posting resourceful information, you can run a blog successfully.

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