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  • SEO Step By Step Guide–23. Website Navigation and Page URLs

    When you are coming up with your website architecture, you must make sure to have a very clear plan

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    for your website navigation. Clear navigation is not only necessary for the easy use of your website by your website’s visitors, but it is also important for the search engines. This is one of the areas, which has to involve the website owner, website designer and the SEO professional. While designing your site the site architecture should be passed on to the website designer as per the prerequisites stipulated by your SEO professional.

    These prerequisites will also include the name of the folders and URL structure for each page. Ideally, each page should contain the main keyword relevant to that page as the first part of the URL. Choose the shortest keyword phrase for your inner pages, which of course will be from the list of your main keywords. These keywords found in the URL should also be used in the page titles. When you use this combination, your ranking for the particular keyword will show a tremendous improvement.

    When your URL happens to have a keyword phrase, then you can use hyphens to separate each word. However do not use too many hyphens; you should limit to a maximum of 2 to 3 hyphens. When you are using folders for grouping files, the folder names too should be keyword rich following the same principle on hyphenation for the URL structure.

    Not only Google, almost all search engines give different values to keywords appearing in different positions of a webpage. When keywords appear in the domain name and the inner page URLs, they will be given the highest value. Similarly, keywords appearing in the page title, keywords with h1 tags and keywords appearing in emphasized text, etc., have values of their own. If you want to make your website relevant for the search phrase, you must pay attention to all these factors.

    Even if you don’t get a domain name that is keyword rich, you can cash on the URLs of the inner pages because there is nothing to block you from having URLs of your own. So you must take maximum advantage of this freedom. This will again highlight the importance of having to start your SEO preparations much before the design of your website. If you too make the same mistake that is committed by 70% of the webmasters by thinking about your website’s SEO after the completion of your website you will not be able to get the maximum benefit from the inner page URLs of your website.

    When you are designing, your website and deciding on your website’s architecture make sure that each page is accessible within 4 clicks because pages that are hidden too deep in the site’s architecture may be missed out by the search engines while indexing your website.

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