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  • Preparing for the Year Ahead

    As we are awaiting the New Year, it is good to plan our SEO efforts along with our marketing plan. Many website owners set aside their budget for their marketing activities but they fail to take into consideration SEO for their website. You must have a blue print of your SEO efforts for the entire year based on your review for the year that went by.

    All the traffic to your website can be classified into two categories. The first category is organic traffic and the second type of traffic is paid traffic. You will be able to increase your success rate and your website’s conversion rate when you have the right blend of these two approaches. If you ignore one for the other, you should be ready to expect loss in one form or the other. If you ignore your efforts to drive organic traffic and concentrate on paid traffic and Pay Per Click campaigns then you will drain all your budget on these campaigns reducing the ROI and profit margins. On the other hand, when you ignore your Pay Per Click campaigns completely, then you might at times lose out on a steady flow of visitor traffic.

    If you plan well, you can increase your PPC spending on months that matter the most and when you are waiting for your SEO efforts to yield results. Every business and service will have peak seasons and off seasons. You must know your businesses peak seasons and off seasons. You must start making all your SEO efforts and link building efforts anticipating your peak season. You must not start making your SEO efforts close to the peak season or as the peak season starts. As we know, it takes some time before all our SEO efforts can bear results. So plan accordingly so that you are ready for the peak season. You must also increase your PPC ad spending during peak season so that you can tap the maximum out of your website.

    As you enter into off-season, you must set aside time for all your linking efforts and social book marking efforts. You must also keep a tab on your competitors and their websites so that you can take necessary steps to fight your competition.

    When you plan your efforts for the entire year, you will be in better control of your growth and success. This does not mean that you should stick to your plans rigidly regardless of what is happening in the market. You should also always make your efforts in conjunction with the market trend. You can always modify or change your plan for a particular period of the year based on what will be most beneficial to your website’s online performance.

    You must have a balanced approach; both working without plans and blindly sticking to the plans without taking into consideration the market trends can be counter productive.

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