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  • Humans VS Machines

    Google is a machine. It won’t buy your product, tell its friends about you, or take you to dinner. It does have an enormous amount of power however, because it can control where you land in the SERPs.

    There are humans behind Google that try to make it fair, but humans are fallible. Since humans control the machine, this means the machine is fallible. In other words, if you can find a way to trick it, it CAN be tricked.. Which is why there are STILL humans behind it.

    Automation is important – it allows Google to function at the incredible speed it has to maintain to get everything done. Unfortunately, automation means predictability, so some unsavory webmasters figure out how to get around the rules and regulations just by zeroing in on the machine’s blind spot. We call these people ‘black hatters’.

    On the other end of the spectrum we have the people who play by the rules; the ‘white hatters’. These people might seem at a disadvantage, since they play nice and don’t risk their reputation and rankings tweaking the rules. There are two things that give them an edge, however!

    Humans are good for white hatters. The humans behind the Google machine recognize them, and constantly attempt to rectify the holes in the machine’s defenses to keep black hatters out. Google is meant for white hat SEO; it’s built on the premise that good valuable sites should rise to the top of the mix.

    If white hats can focus on the humans out there, they can beat the black hats simply because the typical black hatter is so focused on whatever scam they are running that they forget about simple optimization techniques that anyone can use to drive traffic and obtain valuable, organic one way links.

    Organioc links are links you obtain just because. They come from people who visit you and find you of value – value enough that they provide a link to you from their site just so other people can find you. You don’t have to pay them, you don’t have to offer them a link in return – often you don’t even have to ask for a link, it just appears one day.

    This is exactly the type of reaction Google wants to see. Black hats, on the other hand, ignore the humans, or hope they are overlooked by them. Their sole goal is to keep below the radar while stuffing content, spamming and engaging in dubious practices to garner links by the bucket load – all for a front page ranking.

    You can get traffic without being on the front page. You can get on the front page without PageRank! You can obtain links without buying, trading or tricking people to get them. It might take longer to achieve, but the results will outlast any underhanded competitor’s.

    Google says ‘Don’t be evil. Build your site for users, then for the search engine.’ Follow those two rules, and you will see the black hats fall in defeat, and your site will thrive and flourish!




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