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  • How to Create a Perfect Landing Page

    The home page of your website or the landing page is the showcase of your business. It is the first glimpse that your audience has about your business. And like they say- first impression is the last impression- so you need to spruce up your home page so as to impress your target audience. Here we shall look at some ways in which you can create a perfect landing page so that the visitors don’t get diverted and remain long enough on your website to check your products or services.

    How to Create a Perfect Landing Page

    First step is to analyze your website. Check what is the bounce rate of the site; if it is too high then it means that visitors are not staying back on your site. Check to find out which are the pages frequently visited and how long do the visitors stay on that page. If results show that the visitors are accessing only the home page of your website and are barely staying there for few seconds then it is clear indication that there is something seriously wrong and you need to make major changes to spruce up the landing page.

    Visitors will be dissuaded if you bombard them with sales talk right on the landing page. Even if you are pitching sales, do it very subtly and not forcibly. It is better to carry impressive and relevant content on the homepage so that the visitors’ interest is aroused and they click on the various sections of your site.

    The focus of the homepage should be not just to attract target customers but also to retain their interest long enough so as to convert them into paying customers. Keep it interactive. Keep the visitor engaged with call for action for a step further. Do not let them feel bored. Maintain an attractive landing page with some active steps for the visitor. The designing of the page should be such that visitor is not left dazed out and can find his way around easily; keep it simple and easy to navigate.

    Try and avoid large images and animation on the landing page as this will slow it down. And nobody likes a slow site, so it will just drive the visitors away from your site. The landing page should download fast and once you have the visitor hooked onto the site you can then impress them with your images and videos.

    Always ensure that all the links on your homepage are in perfect working condition. There could be nothing worse than a dead link. The visitor would just leave your site if they encounter any link that doesn’t work; it could work against you.

    Best way to have a perfect landing page is to look at yours in a totally unprejudiced way. Look at it from a visitor’s perspective. What would you like to see on the page and what would impress you or what would leave you dissatisfied. Answering these questions will help you design your home page more meticulously.

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