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  • How Important is Tracking Your SE Rankings?

    Tracking your search engine rankings is very important – it’s how you know what works and what doesn’t, and where your competitors are. As a webmaster, tracking your rankings on Google, Yahoo, and MSN may not be that big a deal, but if you want to suceed you will remember there are many more search engines out there!

    As a website owner, your website is an important marketing strategy – and you are right to be concerned about your ranking in the popular search engines. For most, website ranking is an important parameter to measure success or failure of marketing efforts.

    There are different ways of checking your website’s ranking. You can check the ranking manually by entering keywords in the search area of the desired search engine, but then you have to check one after another all possible keywords you are trying to rank for! This is not be an efficient way of rank tracking, especially if you have multiple keyword campaigns and more than one website. You won’t have time to manually check the hundreds or thousands of rankings you need to!

    Good news, though. You can keep yourself abreast of your web rankings by having your SEO firm take care of it for you. SubmitEdge can keep track of your websites ranking for 5 unique keywords or keyword phrases. We can also keep you fully filled in at all times with comprehensive ranking reports for 150 search engines – we offer three different types of reports, delivered via email weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. We also offer multilingual rank tracking available for Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian search engines.and other language rank tracking can be obtained as well on a case by case basis.

    You will be able use the report information to modify your online marketing approach if required. If your website exhibits unstable rankings for certain keywords you can consider increasing your website’s visibility through PPC to supplement the traffic that is generated through organic searches.

    If you notice that some of your keywords that were in good position drop drastically without any warning and the condition does not improve for a long time, you may be seeing a new and strong competitor you will have to fight against. If you do not keep track of your rankings, you will be caught unaware. SubmitEdge Rank Checking Service will relieve you from the daily anxiety and will keep track of your sites ranking in 150 search engines on your behalf. This can be even more helpful if you are planning a local and image search campaign!




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