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  • Google PageRank Updated on 6th December 2013

    With year 2013 drawing to a close, Google has updated its PageRank.

    The last one for this year, it comes in close wake of the upheaval caused by Google Hummingbird.

    All webmasters would have trained their eyes on this update to get a reality check. But if your site has met all the algorithm demands, then there is no cause for worry. You would be ranking pretty much at the same level as earlier or may even have risen up in rank. I wish the second option rings true for you…

    google pagerank update

    But unfortunately, if there has been a decline in your Google Page Rank then focus your attention on the following:

    * Unique high quality Content

    * Streamlined Onpage Optimization of your website

    *  Excellent Social Media Strategy

    * Increased high quality Link Building Process

    * Obtaining New Local SEO Service

    Just keep going at it and stay assured, the next PageRank update will have positive results in store for you…

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