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  • Don't be a Black Hatter!

    Being a black hat SEO artist is walking a very thin line! Trust me, you don’t wan’t to get involved in black hat SEO tactics – the penalties can be quite severe.

    If you are tempted to take some shortcuts to the top of the SERPs, think twice – don

    ‘t be unaware of the risks. Actions result in consequences, and those for breaking faith with search engines are hard to recover from. The straight and narrow path is the one to walk to ensure a long and happy life in the index!
    The top five black hat tactics to avoid when SEOing are:

    1. Spamming. Don’t spam through email, or on forums and blogs by commenting. Also, don’t try overloading social sites with links to your site. You might boost your PageRank temporarially, but this type of behavior will result in getting yourself banned from places which have great potential to help you down the line. Incorrect use of these methods can hurt you more than help you.

    2. Buying links. Google will always find you out – they even encourage others to report you! This will result in a harsh penalty. Never buy links, don’t pay for reviews, none of that. It’s just too risky. (Note – you can buy links for advertising purposes only if you are certain they will be no-followed and do not send any link juice. )

    3. Keyword stuffing. Some people still think stuffing with keywords will result in top Google rankings, but it doesn’t. All it does is irritate your visitors as they will not find such things valuable, and it also damaged your reputation with search engines when they look at your site and you do not have quality relevant content.

    4. Cloaking. Don’t redirect the webcrawlers and bots to one page, and show your consumers another. Trying to trick Google or any other major search engine with a bounced pageview is a very bad idea – they will find out and you could be penalized.

    5. White on white text. Google will penalize you if they catch you. And, again, they will catch you. Just don’t do this! It is way past the age when that was considered clever – now it’s just stupid.

    Black hatters may be dropped from indexes altogether, and never be able to get re-indexed. Once you are penalized, it can take hours and hours trying to track down black hat actions and fix them, and meanwhile your customers are lost and trust in your site is destroyed.

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