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  • DMOZ listing – Worthwhile?

    DMOZ listing is still a great way to get your website noticed. Some webmasters have stated DMOZ is practically useless, but this is not the case.

    DMOZ is on of the most respected online directory, mainly because of having a live editor approval,

    so spamming the site is difficult. All the major search engines (Google , Yahoo, and MSN, as well as others) give a lot of importance to websites having links from DMOZ. Inclusion in DMOZ can dramatically increase your website ranking and traffic.

    Now, many of sites are submitted to DMOZ every day but only a few get approved. This is because DMOZ’s submission guidelines are very strict. Critical aspects of getting approved for DMOZ include choosing the right category, title and description for submission.

    SubmitEdge is specialised in DMOZ submission and has helped many clients to get their sites listed in DMOZ; We make it easier for you to conform to the guidelines DMOZ demands by doing the following:

    • We research categories for your website.
    • We research and create titles for your website that are consistent with DMOZ guidelines.
    • We research and create a description for your website that follows DMOZ Guideline.
    • We give you a screen shot of the submission.

    Of course, you must note this does not guarantee inclusion in DMOZ, (we don’t have an ‘in’) but letting us help you make sure your submission is following all DMOZ guidelines will increase your chances of inclusion

    DMOZ has been an incredibly important link to have because:

    • It brings direct traffic as DMOZ pages can rank well for search queries.
    • DMOZ receives new inbound links, and grows continually – plus it has been around for a long time, making it valuable in the eyes of the search engines.

    DMOZ is definitely still worth your while, and SubmitEdge can help you make sure your site meets all their specifications before submitting and will take care of submitting for you. There are no guarantees, but your chances of being accepted are dramatically higher when you cover all of your bases and make sure your submission is valid!

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