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  • Blog Start-Up Part Two

    Blog Start-Up

    Have some content ready to roll. Archive some stuff just to give your visitors more to read, and have more stockpiled to release every day or so until you are firmly established. You should have regular content updated to your blog on a schedule, so the Google realizes you are active and running and comes to index you more often.

    If you’re link baiting right off the bat, be ready to follow up – folks will expect great things from you! Deliver. Keep fresh, original content and ideas on your blog, and milk your more sensational stuff for all it is worth. A blog with one great post can be viewed as a one off. You want your visitors to bookmark you and return another time to catch up!

    Submit your blogs to the better blog directories, such as Technorati, BOTW, Blogged and Bloggapedia. Use your contacts to get some commenting started (and not just ‘hey dude, nice blog!’) and utilize your social network profiles to promote your blog and drive traffic to it, and allow commenting – in fact, encourage it. Have a poll button and ask questions to find out how your visitors really think.

    Use a url from your blog in your emails – if you have a nice catchy name, it will be noticeable. You can think about even advertising to get a core group of people interested and issue a press release to jointly promote your blog and your site.

    If you have a defunct blog just sitting there, revive it and use it to blog about your blog. This is where different platforms come in handy – Blogger might not be the best choice for a main blog, but if you can build a host of followers you can get some traffic and send it to your main blog and site from that source.

    Participate in the blogging community. Comment on others’ blogs, offer to guest post (and invite other reputable bloggers to post on your own blog), participate in forums, respond to feedback or comments you receive. You have to do these things to be taken seriously, and should be on this from day one.

    Best of Blogging, tomorrow!

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