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  • Allowing Others To Post Comments On Your Blog

    Are you an active blogger? Have you integrated blogs to your website and populate them regularly? One of the areas that you need to review closely with regard to blogging is whether you should allow other people to post their comments and feedbacks in your blog. Though the initial hunch is to block others totally from posting comments in your blog, you need to take a minute to weigh the advantages and disadvantages.

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    Blogs allow you to share content online and to publish your written work and articles. This can also be used as a platform for discussions. Allowing others to post their feedbacks and comments on your blog will make your blog into an interactive platform whereby the visitors are not passive readers but can also contribute their share to your blog. Today hundreds of blogs invite the visitors to post their comments and feedbacks because this generates loads of fresh content for the blog. Search engines like Google love such active blogs. You will be able to get better ranking in Google when you can get your visitors to post regularly their comments and feedbacks. Google noticing the regular updates in the form of comments and feedbacks will rank your blog post high.

    However, you need to tread very cautiously here because if you leave the floor completely open, then your blog will be infested with spam. So to keep the spam under control, make sure that you moderate the blog whereby each comment and feedback is reviewed by you before they appear online in your blog. This way you will be able to have total control on the blog comments. You can even choose to edit the comments before you approve them. This way if you think there are unwanted links in the comment you can remove them.

    Though this takes your time, you will be able to make your blog popular by allowing the others to post feedback and post comments. You can create your own followers network through your blog posts. If you are going to give some valuable stuff to your users then you will be able to get plenty of visitors and interested visitors would also like to leave their feedback on your blog post. So do not shy away from allowing comments in your blog. You will be able to attract targeted visitors to your blog because the content gets enhanced with the comments that are relevant to your post. As long as you handle it correctly, you have nothing to lose. You will be able to get the best online visibility that you have always desired for your website. Added to that you are also likely to strike some interesting business partnerships through these visitors that take the interest to post comments in your blog. You will be able to add further value to these comments by responding to these feedbacks and comments. This way you can make your blog into an active discussion board.

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