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  • Ways Recommended By Google to Let Them Know About Your Site

    In this post let us take a quick look at the factors recommended by Google to let them know about your website. Interestingly, Google does not include adding your website to Google’s indexing at Add URL page to let them know about your site. Google prescribes other methods and the first method that tops the list is Sitemaps. Google considers that sitemaps to be the best way of telling Google about all the information that they are supposed to know about your website. The sitemap that we are talking about here is not the static page that we have in our site, it is special Google sitemaps that are being referred by Google. Google’s help section has an elaborate note on the implementation on Google sitemaps in your site.

    The next factor recommended by Google is Google News results. If you have some news section in your website, then you can get Google’s attention by presenting your site to Google News. After your site is included, you can tell Google how frequently you will be publishing news items through a special News sitemap, which is different from the sitemap, discussed above. Currently, News sitemaps are supported only for websites in English and soon the support is expected to be extended to other major languages as well. You can also submit the old news items you have to Google under news archive section. We hardly think of the news section as one of the effective ways of inviting Google spiders to your website.

    If you have images or photos in your website, you can benefit from them by including them to Google image search results. Not all of us use the image search feature so you cannot expect a huge traffic via news search but submitting to news searches will help Google spiders to come back to your site giving it an added reason to reach you.

    Most websites online try to promote a particular product or service; if your service or product is to be promoted in a particular geographic region, you can submit your site to Google local business center. This will get your website listed when someone searches for local businesses you have the chances of getting listed depending on the competition.

    Another way of letting Google know about your website is to submit your website video content to YouTube or Google Video. According to the latest announcement from Google, users can search videos like their regular searches and access the videos directly from the search results.

    If you look at all the above ways recommended by Google, except for the sitemaps all the other methods are often ignored or totally forgotten by webmasters and SEOs alike. Though doing all these will not change the rankings immediately all these certainly will enhance your site’s popularity and help you in fighting the competition.

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