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  • Importance of Keeping Track of your Progress

    As we all know that SEO and SEM are ongoing processes and we can never sit back and say that we are done with it. If we are going to say that then that is the moment you start failing. We can never rest and the process should continue, exploring all new strategies and approaches. While we make constant efforts, we must make sure to keep a tab on our progress.

    Most webmasters make these two mistakes one is that they spend intense hours on their website as soon as it is launched to promote it online. They do everything possible to get good ranking for their websites and often they also manage to achieve some decent rankings for their website. That is when the problem sets in, once they see some positive results, they loosen their belts and relax. The problem with this approach is that we tend to lose all that we have worked for all along by stopping to make continuous efforts. When we stop our efforts, new websites don’t stop coming online or our competitors never stop their efforts. So in no time the results we achieved and the ranking we got can be lost.

    The second type of mistake webmasters make is that they don’t stop their SEO efforts but they don’t keep track of their success or failure. You will not be able to make steady progress unless you know the direction in which your efforts are taking you. Sometimes one of the strategies which is considered to be highly effective may be having just the opposite effect on your website because it is not implemented correctly. In this case you are still pumping in money to keep your SEO efforts going but unless you stop using that particular strategy which is having negative effect on your website you will not be able to see any positive results. One of the classic examples is keyword stuffing. All of us know that search engines love keyword rich content and with this knowledge you will start stuffing our pages with keywords and saturate them. We continue to add more pages that are stuffed with keywords again. Search engines will start considering your site as spam site and it will start penalizing you for the same efforts that you thought were going to help you. So you need to keep track of your success or failure. Unless you do that you are never going to identify the problem. You will be losing a lot of time. Therefore, try to quantify all the results as much as possible and try to relate them to specific SEO effort of yours. When you do so you will be able to spot the problem in right time and also take corrective actions to rectify the problem. When you are constantly fed back with a feedback loop your efforts get more and more refined and it will keep strengthening your overall SEO efforts.

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