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  • SEO Report – Multiple Language SEO

    globe-europe Should you have various language versions available on your website? While the biggest search engines in the world are based in English speaking countries, you have to remember that when it comes to your audience, the World Wide Web is really world wide.  Only 6 to 8% of the world’s population speak or read English, although many webmasters don’t consider this fact and may even be believe that the entire world understands, speaks, writes or uses English in some form or the other -or that automatic translating systems on their browsers are adequate.

    By keeping your website solely in English you are severely limiting your website’s potential. Only around 25% of people use English on the internet, and many businesses today are of global nature with products shipped worldwide and services offered across the borders. When you limit your website to English, you are limiting the total number of international users accessing your website or ordering your service.

    Though your websites can be viewed in other languages using Google translator tool and other similar tools, not many internet users will take the trouble to do that. It’s just easier to use websites that are already available in their mother tongue (besides, free translator tools are notoriously unreliable) . Moreover, most users will be more comfortable with a local service provider or at least a service provider who shows them that they can communicate in their local language.

    You can easily increase your website’s traffic by launching your websites in all the major languages of the world. (You don’t have to launch all of them at once; you can do it in phases.) of course, it is not merely enough to launch websites in the other languages; you must also take care of multilingual SEO.

    You can use SEO companies that serve global websites and have access to translators who speak the languages you want to target.  The search pattern varies from region to region so one has to be familiar with the local search trends while optimizing your website in a different language. You simply can’t expect to get your desired results by optimizing your other language websites with the same keywords that you use for your English website.

    It may seem a daunting task to launch your website in the other languages and optimize them for each language. Many webmasters consider this an unnecessary expense. However, those do make the effort reap amazing rewards since so many do not offer this level of service. With each language translation and optimization, you will be opening up your website to millions of new users. This will give you a high traffic level, good conversion rates and better profits.

    If you have not considered  multi-language websites or multilingual SEO, it is high time to start concentrating on a global viewpoint! You need all the traffic and customers you can get.

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