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  • How To Know That The Website Needs Redesigning?

    Your website has been up and running fine since years; but of late you feel it lacks the impact that it used to have earlier. You start feeling that your products or services need to be displayed in a different manner; you need to update the site with some new service launched or some product discontinued. Some of the content on the site may be outdated or badly needs to be upgraded. But all said and done, should you just go ahead and make the necessary changes or does your website need to be redesigned, this is a dilemma that many may be facing. But with web development companies and many of which are quite affordable, this should no longer be a dilemma. This blog attempts to highlight some signs when you need to consider revamping your site.

    How to know that the Website needs Redesigning

    Low number of visitors: You need to seriously look into your website design if you feel that there is a decline in the number of visitors to your site which can easily be monitored with the help of easy to use webmaster tools that are freely available. Just having a website does not help if it does not get visited. Study the pattern of visitors. You could even check which pages get more number of visitors and which less. That will give you an idea about what kind of pages visitors prefer and how you need to redesign accordingly.

    Page Speed: When you first designed the site you may have focused only on the look of it. But one of the factors in the declining number of visitors could be the page speed. Get the page speed check done as no one likes a website that takes ages to download. The slow speed could be due to the flash or multimedia or the high number of images used on the page. Now is the chance to increase the page speed by redesigning the website keeping this factor in mind along with the appearance.

    Changing with time: You may have designed the site years back when you set up the business. That time it may have been functioning well but over the years, the dynamics have changed drastically. What may have worked years back may fail to impress as per the current standards. So a revamping is highly due. You need to stay ahead or atleast on par with your competitors. If they have recently joined the business they will have an updated site and yours may be outdated. Stay updated with time. With the current emphasis on content, you may need to consider changing the pages which may earlier have been designed with more graphics. Search engines are coming down heavily on duplicate and mediocre content. If you have lot of pages which may have same or similar content, then it requires to be changed.

    Times have changed; where earlier you may have designed the site yourself or just stuck to templates, now with the availability of various tools and the services of web development and designing companies available in plenty, redesigning your website is an option you should seriously take up.

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