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  • 12 Guest Blogging Tips To Keep Your Readers Hooked On

    There are a dozen guest blogging tips that help increase your marketing reach exponentially. Armed with the below mentioned tips, you will be able to effectively time and use your blogging skills to get the best results. Guest blogging would be filled with experiments from your side to borrow audiences and increase your reach. A helping hand, in the form of tips, is given below:
    Strong relationship foundation:

    The key is to form strong relationships, rather than merely checking your to-do task list. It’s always better to know the blog owners before you contact them for a guest blog submission. This would benefit you in the long run and enable you to pave your way for future articles.

    Know your blog:

    One should always be familiar with the blog, this goes without saying. Take out time and research about what style the blog writes in, is it a long or a short blog, what topics or trends they write on, etc.

    Choose blogs wisely:

    Although this is common sense, it is also a common mistake. A blog may have a higher PageRank or a lot of readers compared to your blog, but that is not reason enough for your ideas to appear there.

    3 core benefits of guest blogging:

    The aim of writing a guest blog should always be the following: exposure to the right audience, back-links to your own website and the raise in your own credibility that comes from publishing in the right places.

    Follow a regular schedule:

    By now you must already know this, blogging is all about regularity. Stick to a manageable schedule, like one guest post per week, to get the most benefit out of it.

    Submission tracking:

    If you are a regular guest blogger, you already know this. Once you start guest blogging regularly, it becomes difficult to keep a track of your past blogs. A handy editorial can be used to do the magic over here.

    Feedback monitoring:

    Always, always take feedback from readers and blog owners. Blog owners may sometime reject your blog post and instead ask for something different in the future. If you can make do with it, then it’s a good way to keep the relationship and conversation moving forward.

    Persistence, not annoyance:

    If your blog posts are not appreciated a couple of times then try submitting elsewhere. This shouldn’t mean that you lose contact with the original source, maintaining a relationship is the biggest investment.

    Engage with commentors:

    Engagement sharpens your creative pen. If a genuine reader has commented on your guest blog then it is recommended that you engage with the person. It helps you assess your work, tune your future posts and up your credibility.

    Make your article stand-out:

    Readers always prefer to have humor and statistics mashed into the content as this makes the overall experience more memorable, unique and credible.

    Abide by rules:

    A lot of blogs have strict rules regarding what type of links you can include, photos you can attach as well as the length of your bio. The goal should be churning out maximum benefits while still abiding by the rules.

    Don’t forget your own blog:

    Feed your own blog; don’t let guest blogging get your focus off your first baby. Indeed, guest blogging can be a lot of fun and can yield marketing benefits pretty quickly.

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