Submit To Directories

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If you are interested in enhancing your website’s rank by improving its link power, submit to directories. As the competition level in every industry is increasing with many new websites coming online and many new businesses take their business online, you need reliable link building methods. All the top SEOs and experienced online marketing experts submit to directories to get high quality back links. We need reliable link building strategies that will offer stable back links to our websites.


If you buy links from third party websites, you will have to pay to retain your links. This is not a cost effective method of building links. Your links count will not be stable here. Even if you engage in reciprocal link exchange, there is no guarantee that your link count will be stable. Your linking partner can choose to remove your links anytime they like. All these result in instability in terms of links count. To have good ranking your links count should be stable. If you do not want to be bothered with unstable links, then submit to directories. When you submit to directories, you will not only get one-way links but you will also get permanent links for your website.


There are hundreds of directories on the web and you can get back links from all these directories to improve your website’s ranking. You will not have to worry about exchanging links with any third party websites or about paying any fees to retain your links. Most of the directories allow free submissions. If you want special featured listings, then you can choose to go for paid submissions. However if you just want the back links and not any featured listings, you can submit to directories free of cost. This has been one of the most successful link building strategies.