Free Article Submission List

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If you want to use article submissions as your link building strategy and online website promotion strategy, you will have to first compile your free article submission list in which you will have a complete collection of all the article submission directories. This will be your first step and once you have this list ready, you can start submitting your articles. If you do not compile your free article submission list, then you will have to interrupt the process each time you need a new article submission site. 

As there are hundreds of article submission sites, you will have to be prepared to spend enough time in compiling your list. Moreover, even as you compile your list, you will find new article submission sites being launched. So free article submission list compilation will indeed take a lot of time. There are number of ways to compile your free article submission list. You can make a search in Google and in other top search engines like Yahoo and Bing using keywords like, “article directories” “free article submission sites” etc. This will list you hundreds of free article submission sites. Another faster way of compiling your list is to search for directories that list all top article submission sites. Here rather than finding individual directories, you will be able to find hundreds of article submission sites in one place. This will make things fast and easy for you. 
When you are compiling your list, do not blindly add all the article submission directories. You will have to carefully review your article submission sites. First of all, you should check whether the website that you are intending to add to your database is indexed by all the top search engines. If the directories are not even indexed by the search engines, then there is no us submitting your articles to such directories as search engines will never index your links or send any traffic to your website. It is therefore important that you submit your articles to article directories that are well established. 
It is not enough that the article submission sites that you are listing are just indexed. It is equally important that your article directories have good page rank. Only when they have good page rank, the back links that you get for your website will boost your website’s ranking fast. Google gives great importance to links that come from high PR websites. So choose your article directories carefully so that they meet these criteria. As you can see, free article submission list compilation is not about adding article directories to your database without any discretion. As the entire process consumes a lot of time, most people prefer to hire article submission companies that will not only compile the list for them but also handle the entire article submission process. This will save you a lot of time. Moreover, you will be able to take advantage of the experience of the article submission companies.