Article Submission List

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Every website owner that is keen in driving good traffic to one’s website is faced with a serious challenge. There is a heavy competition in every niche industry. It is therefore not easy to drive traffic to your website easily. One of the things that is demanded of every website owner is link building. You will have to make consistent link building efforts to ensure that your website gets good ranking in the search engine. It is Google that made back links so important; if back links have attained a very high significance then Google is one of the main reasons. To meet the demands of the search engines, SEO experts have come up with many powerful link building methods. One of the top link building methods and one of the oldest link building methods that we have is article submissions. 
The first step in getting links through article submissions is compiling an article submission list. Your article submission list will contain a comprehensive list of all the top article submission sites. This list will give your article submission efforts a definitive direction. If you do not have your article submission list ready before you start your link building process, you will end up making random efforts. You will not be able to create the required impact by making random article submissions. 
Your article submission efforts will have to first start with high PR article submission sites. This will ensure that you get your links from high PR websites first this will give a great boost to your website’s ranking. Once you have completed submitting to high PR article directories in your article submission list, you can move on to websites with lesser PR. Do not ignore article directories with lesser PR because PageRank of websites is likely to improve and when they improve, your website will certainly enjoy the benefits. 
Though it is a time consuming process to come up with your article submission list, you should invest your time in compiling the list. For those website owners that do not have enough time to compile the list or to handle the entire process of article submissions, there are many article submission companies. They will have the latest list of article directories. You will not only get the latest list of article directories but they will also handle the entire process including signing up in the article directories and confirming the email address that will be used for submissions. 
While submitting to these directories, it is vital that all the article submission guidelines specific to each directory is followed only when the guidelines are followed your articles will be approved. There is no us in having a long article submission list, it will be of use only when you get back links from these directories. Whether you are handling the article submissions yourself or hiring a company to handle your article submissions, you need to make sure that you get the best value for your time and money.