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  • Why you Need a Trained SEO to Check Your CMS Website

    CMS is the big, bright new way to run your website, but unless you have a savvy SEO you can run into serious problems. Below are a few things you should have a SEO check out to make sure you haven’t done your site more harm that good by switching to CMS:

    CMS tools often produce URLs that are query-laden and /or meaningless. Pages containing garbled urls containing: ID=, Session IDs, or that present URL names like with plain generic .xml endings hurt your rankings and your navigability. A proper URL naming convention should represent the content theme of the page. When CMS tools populate pages with meaningless url names, your site becomes much less meaningful and your careful SEO is damaged. Dno’t let the only difference in your URL names be a number.

    CMS developers often dismiss the importance of W3C HTML Code Compliance and Validation. This is a huge mistake. Code validation principles and standards really need to be observed in order to secure favorable Search Engine Placement. If you have Invalid HTML page code, you lose out the advantages of natural keyword placement. When CMS tools publish error-filled page code, the spiders get sidelined and you start to have indexing problems such as failure of full page delivery.

    If you have “Loose” Content Management Systems, your content trust can go out the window. Search engines get confused by your site and url variations, you lose out on top keyword placement. CMS Tools that “refresh” reduce search exposure and minimize reach for keywords you are using to define your company and brands. CMS powered websites that dynamically update will send up warning signals to the spiders, and the “backdoor links” left buy loose CMS tools will compete with the site’s “front-door” links, causing still more conflict.

    CMS Tools also can use multiple layers of repetitive Javascript code. This makes pages heavy and uinindexible – search engine spiders get exhausted trying to plow through redundant the heavy CMS produced page code and it‘s repeated calls for Javascript. Heavy JavaScript & Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Issues will abound, the page size will be inflated making the rendered page much larger than necessary. Foundational code errors will appear everywhere and the spiders will encounter tons of  unoptimized, CMS-powered, error-plagued code. In short, improperly set up CMS Tools can actually prevent spiders from locating, crawling, and storing your relevant content!

    These and many more topline site design elements can keep your fancy new CMS powered website from performing on in-market keyword search phrases. Hire a professional SEO to go over your website and make sure your decision to move to CMS hasn’t crippled your optimization work!

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