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  • The Importance of Content to Search Engine Optimization

    The main focus of your attempt to optimize traffic to your site should be your content. Without solid content to inform and educate, keywords, meta tags and all other SEO tricks become irrelevant.

    Your top priority should be making your content great. Maintaining strong keyword density and still presenting a friendly, interesting style can be a challenge, and you may wish to consider hiring out the writing of articles or pages to a professional who matches your needs.

    Your content should also be unique. Searchers who enter your site have no desire to read what they have already read on the previous four sites. Again, a writer specializing in fresh content can be a helpful tool if you need a new view on things.

    Use relevant content. It does no good to have well written interesting content if it misses the point. Decide who your target audience is and write to them. Consider what you would look for if searching for content on your subject, and try include possible related ideas without straying to far from your main theme.

    Add new content constantly. If your site is updated regularly with new information it will increase its reliability in the eyes of the search engines. Keep yourself up to date on relevant news in your field, and add it to your site to ensure that your information is current and cutting edge.

    A good website will have multiple pages on different aspects of the same theme. Try to gather as much content as you can to boost your index power and gain you more exposure. Search engines like sites with lots of information.

    Keep your content on topic. Your credibility will increase a little with each page you add that is directly associated with your main topic. You don’t want to neglect any possibly relevant secondary lines of thought, but your primary focus should be your main theme.

    Keep your pages of content short and sweet. They load faster, and are easier to read – both qualities that your consumer will appreciate! This doesn’t mean you have to over edit; if you have an article that is too long, just break it down in to two or three shorter pages. Keeping your site user friendly is key!

    Don’t duplicate content on your site. Using multiple copies of the same page in hopes of encouraging more views is pointless. Search engines don’t like duplicate content, and may ban sites with too much duplication.

    Don’t steal content. This is the big one. Content is everywhere, but just because it appears on a website does not mean it is free for the taking. Make sure you have permission before posting to be sure you are not infringing on copyrighted material.

    A note about keyword rich content; this is another subject for another post, but don’t over stuff your content with keywords. You will learn from future posts how to choose your keywords and place them on your pages to yield the greatest effect. Simply repeating them in every sentence will only make for boring reading.

    Be on the lookout for more tips on strengthening your website power in the posts to come!

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