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  • Small Business Branding and SEO

    There is an on going debate that whether small businesses need branding and whether they should spend a lot of time and money in branding rather than spending their energy and efforts in increasing their profit. Most businesses that enjoy premium brand image were once small businesses started in a humble way, which started growing with the prudent efforts of the business owner.

    Success of any business relies on the familiarity of the brand and its reputation. Therefore, the size of the business does not matter; whether it is a small business or a million dollar business, all of them require branding and promotion. Promotion of products or services is not possible without promoting the brand. So brand identity plays a great role in increasing one’s sales revenue. Though there are many ways of improving the brand name of small businesses, one of the most effective methods these days is branding one’s services or products through a website. All it takes is a brochure website or a catalog website to project oneself as an established business. It is rather easier to project a highly corporate image while you are still running your business from your home based office. Credibility is highly important to promote one’s brand. Once a brand manages to associate itself with credibility, then no one can stop the success of that business.

    Interestingly, today credibility is confused with increased visibility and it is advantageous to many business owners. There are people who still call up companies and say, “I Googled for this service and your company showed up first, so I think you must be a pretty good company”.  This statement would sound so familiar to many of us and that is what credibility has come down to. Therefore, if you want to increase your sales, you need to work on branding; one of the ways of promoting your brand is to launch a website. Secondly, if you need to increase your sales, you need to project your brand as a credible brand. As illustrated above, credibility is often confused with increased visibility by the online community. The bottom line therefore to promote your brand name and to increase your sales is to get good rankings in search engines. We know for sure, after all these years of experience that good rankings and good search engine visibility do not happen automatically. You need to work constantly on optimizing your website to ensure that you are noticed. Branding when clubbed with right SEO efforts will not only will help you in making your brand name popular, it will also increase your sales. If at all you are still wondering whether you need branding and whether you need to spend no SEO for your website, then the answer to all these questions is a resounding, “Yes”. The longer you wait the more time you waste; you will never know the results until you try them and you are not going to regret if your brand name gets popular.

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