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  • SEO Recap – Page Titles

    A good SEO firm will provide you with a lot of guidance especially in the early days of setting up your website. One of the important things to watch for if you are serious about your website SEO, is how you buy cheap kamagra uk define the title of your webpage. This is one of the areas that is often handled very poorly by beginner webmasters. You need to make sure the titles you are coming up with are search engine friendly page titles.

    Google Search engines like SEO friendly page titles

    Some software programs (like Dreamweaver) leave the title of the page by default untitled. The title of the page will not change when you save your file (unlike your Microsoft Word documents, which automatically select the file name as your page name) If you have forgotten to add appropriate titles, your pages will still be untitled, making you lose out on a great SEO opportunity. Make it a point to include an appropriate title, and your page will be properly optimized.

    Your web page’s title should include your major keywords so that your webpage will appear to search engines as relevant for the searches made. Also, when you start adding keywords in your title, you must also make sure that the page content is relevant to the title you have added for your page and vice versa. Don’t use a page title for SEO that has nothing to do with the real content on the page.

    Remember that your website is not optimized solely for your company’s name. It should be optimized for your services and products because most people will not be searching for your company name but for keywords pertaining to the products or services they are looking for. This means you must give importance to your product/service related keywords in the page title. You can start the page title with your keywords and include your company’s name at the end of the title (such as ‘How to get rid of ants in your shower – tips from Company ABC)

    So, you should not completely drop your company’s name out of the title. When people search for products and services, this is your chance to make your company name synonymous, and get your company name to be seen in the search results. Remember, when you are including your company name in your page title, you must ensure that it appears within the first 55 to 65 characters. The reason for this is that in search engine results the entire title will not be displayed if it is longer than a certain character limit; in fact, all the major search engines including Google, Yahoo and MSN truncate longer titles down to 70 characters for display in the search results. The best practice is to keep your page titles between 60 and 65 characters.

    Don’t be tempted to keyword stuff your page titles. This is easily picked up on by the search engines. Pay attention to details so your page titles will look professional, instead of being a long string of random keywords. Be consistent with your title formatting as well – decide on your title case, and stick with it. Good page titles are one of the first things your SEO firm should look at when evaluating your site and offering advice.

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